tania papaya

this is my blog about the things that i do each day


Snowy snow snow!

this morning i woke up. i gave my mom a card that i made for her. it said please make breakfast for meeeeeeeeee. a little later in the day it started snowing. i got my jacket, put my shoes on as fast as a racecar, and rushed outside. yesterday, my mom's friend said she saw the weather report and it was supposed to snow.

then I went back inside and played a computer game. it was called seahorses and shells. i watched talula for a little bit so my mom could study. i did some math work and ate pumpkin pie. i drew pictures of a character named my melody on my purse and made them into a flip book. i played superheroes with my baby sister. the best part of the day was the snow.



the grapes

here is a picture of some grapes. i took it at my tutu's vineyard. there were purple grapes, white grapes, and red grapes. i drove the four-wheeler. on the days that people picked grapes i helped. i met a new friend named geraldo and another friend named mallory. i got sparkly high-heels at the mall. i jumped on a huge trampoline. i met a dog named abby. i took some pictures. i met a cat named callie. one morning i woke up and there was snow on my gloves.