tania papaya

this is my blog about the things that i do each day


baby sister sleeping

my sister looks like a grandma with this hat on. that's why i posted the picture here. she's sleeping while i clean the kitchen. i took out the garbage, then shook out the tablecloth, then i swept, and finally i set the table. i'm cleaning because my grandma is coming today in three hours. i'm going to go to winston to her vineyard. i hope i get to drive the four-wheeler while i'm there. i get to pick up my bike that she bought for me. so i'll be gone for a few days. i'll be back on halloween and i'll write what i did at the vineyard.



by ursula k. le guin

i'm reading this book right now. it's about four cats who can fly. their mama was named mrs. jane tabby. she made them fly far away because it was dangerous for them in the city. i'm on chapter two. they are looking for food. i hope that they find a home. it think they do because i skipped to the end. :)

today i want to go to the park but it's raining. i didn't go yesterday. :(